
Work Family conflict is a conflict between family and work. This conflict arises because a person plays two roles simultaneously where these roles can cause pressure at work and cause stress at work. Research to determine the effect of Work Family conflict on the performance of female employees and work stress as mediation. The variables used in this research are work family conflict, performance, and work stress as mediation. The sample used in this study were 99 female employee respondents. Hypothesis 1, Work Family conflict have a positive effect on work stress, the resulting t statistical value is 8.712 with a P value of 0.000. Hypothesis 2, Work stress has a negative effect on the performance of female employees, the resulting t statistical value is 1.724 with a P value of 0.085, Hypothesis 3, Work Family conflict has a negative effect on the performance of female employees, the resulting t statistics value is 0.957 with a P value of 0.339, hypothesis 4, job stress mediates the relationship between work family conflict and work stress of 0.478408 or 47.8% (categorized as partial mediation). Contains research objectives, methods, research results.
 Konflik peran ganda adalah konflik antara keluarga dan pekerjaan konflik ini muncul karena seseorang menjalani dua perannya secara bersamaan dimana peran tersebut bisa menimbulkan tekanan dalam bekerja dan menyebabkan stress dalam bekerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konflik peran ganda terhadap kinerja karyawan wanita dan stress kerja sebagai mediasi.Variable yang digunakan dalam peneltian ini adalah konflik peran ganda, kinerja, dan stress kerja sebgai mediasi. Sample yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden karyawan wanita. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah konflik peran ganda berpengaruh positif terhadap stress kerja. Untuk variabel stress kerja berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja karyawan wanita. Selain itu, konflik peran ganda berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja karyawan wanita. Dan diketahui pula variabel stress kerja memediasi secara parsial hubungan antara konflik peran ganda dan stress kerja sebesar 0,478408 atau sebesar 47,8%.

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