
ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of Internal Conflict Organizational Commitment and Environmental Conditions on Employee Performance Improvement at the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Kerinci Regency, using a quantitative research approach technique is needed to describe the research results. Furthermore, in order to strengthen the existence of a correlation between the two variables, it is necessary to prove that the analysis is carried out by answering a questionnaire that is distributed to respondents and literature study by reading documents related to the problem under study to look for concepts, theories, opinions or findings related to the subject matter. Based on the research results, it can be concluded, about the effect of internal conflict, organizational commitment and environmental conditions on improving employee performance at the Kerinci District Disaster Management Agency, employees who still lack awareness in fostering good relations between all employees. The effect of Internal Conflict on Performance is positive, this can be seen from the results of the t-test 0.001 <0.05. So that the effect is significant, the magnitude of the influence is 0.740 (seen from the coefficient value). The influence of the Organizational Commitment variable on employee performance does not affect seeing the probability value t count of 0.052, this probability value is greater than 0.05. So it can be said that the influence of the Organizational Commitment variable on the Employee Performance variable at 5% is not significant. Or in other words, Organizational Commitment has no effect on the performance of BPBD Kerinci employees at the 95% confidence level. The effect of working environment conditions on performance is positive, this can be seen from the results of the t-test 0.002 <0.05, so that the effect is significant, the magnitude of the influence is 1.002 (seen from the results of the coefficient value). The influence of the variables of Internal Conflict, Organizational Commitment and Environmental Conditions together on performance variables. This can be seen from the R-Square value of 0.820. This value shows that the proportion of the influence of the Koflik Intern variable, Organizational Commitment and Working Environment Conditions on employee performance variables is 82.0%. That is, Internal Conflict, Organizational Commitment in BPBD Kerinci Regency and Working Environment Conditions, together have a proportion of influence on performance of 82.0% while the rest, namely 18% (100% - 82%) is influenced by other variables not in the model. this linear regression.

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