
Communication is one factor that affects patient satisfaction. Therapeutic communication is one of the communication techniques that focuses on patient healing. Implementing good therapeutic communication can increase service satisfaction and have an impact on improving the hospital's image in the eyes of the public. The study aims to determine the impact of therapeutic communication on the quality of service in the hemodialysis room of Indriati Solo Hospital. The population in this study was 50 patients who were examined in the Hemodialisa Room in January. Based on the total sampling technique, a total sample of 50 nurses was obtained. Data collection techniques include questionnaires. The data was then analyzed using a chi-square test with a degree of significance of ρ < 0.05. The results of the study showed that 36 respondents (72.0%) assessed the therapeutic communication of nurses well, 8 respondents (16.0%) rated it sufficient, and 6 respondents (12.0%) considered it not good. There were 39 respondents (78,0%) who rated the quality of the service in the category of satisfaction, and 11 respondents (22,0%) felt dissatisfied. There is an influence of therapeutic communication on the quality of service in the hemodialysis room of Indriati Solo Hospital, with a p value of 0.000<0,05.

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