
The results of this study indicate (1) Learning Discipline of class XA students at SMA Muhammadiyah Daarul Khoir Gunungkidul is classified as "Good" because there are 2 students or 10% categorized as Very Good, there are 11 students or 55% categorized as Good, there are 4 students or 20% categorized as Enough, and there are 3 students or 15% in the Less category. (2) Learning Outcomes of Jurisprudence Subject Class XA SMA Muhammadiyah Daarul Khoir Gunungkidul are classified as "Enough" because as many as 3 students or 15% categorized as Very Good, as many as 6 students or 30% categorized as Good, as many as 11 students or 55% categorized as Enough, and as many as 0 students or 0% categorized as Less. (3) From the results of the rxy calculation using the product moment formula, the rxy value is 0.064, a significance value of 0.778 or in the "Weak Correlation" category. And after consulting the table at a significance level of 1% and 5%, rcount is smaller than rtable, which means the hypothesis is rejected. As for the magnitude of the effect, Y=a+bX is Y= 33,981 + (-0.22), which means that for every increase in learning discipline by 1, the value of learning outcomes will decrease by 0.22

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