
Teacher guidance is a process carried out by teachers to help solve problems and encourage them to reach their maximum potential. This study aims to (1) find out teacher guidance to students in PAI lessons. (2) knowing student achievement. (3) To determine whether or not there is an Effect of Teacher Guidance on student achievement in class XI MIPA 2 SMA MTA Surakarta. The study used descriptive with a Quantitative approach. Data collection techniques use questionnaires and documentation as support. Data analysis techniques use regression analysis to determine the influence of Variable (X) to Variable (Y). The method used is the Correlational research method. The results of the study resulted that there was an influence between Variable (x) and Variable (Y). Because, the results obtained from the Product Moment Test are r count of 0.564 and r table value 0.374. Criteria r calculate > r table. Thus, Ha is accepted because there is an influence between variables. Furthermore, the calculation of the coefficient is known to be the value of r square of 0.564. therefore, the effect of teacher guidance on student achievement is 35% in the Medium/Sufficient category.

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