
Digital payment instruments are used by the people of Indonesia as a means of payment in buying and selling transactions. Because digital payment instruments are new, companies therefore use this opportunity as a marketing communication tool that can reach broad marketing using Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), such as Advertising, Sales Promotions, Public Relations, Internet Marketing, Personal Selling and Direct Marketing with the aim to attract shopping interest in the community, so it is easy to understand and interesting for marketing communications. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) on the interest of top up the balance of OVO users at the Mall of Serang. This study uses a quantitative research method that explains or illustrates the effect of integrated marketing communications (IMC) on the interest of top-up the balance of OVO users, using McGuire's Information-Processing theory. Sampling in this study using accidental sampling technique. From the results of a simple correlation analysis, it is found that the effect of integrated marketing communications (IMC) on the interest of top up the balance of OVO users is 41.2% and the rest is influenced by other factors. The regression equation Y = 2.065 + 0.551X. The value of t = 8.211 is greater than the value of t table (two-tailed test), namely with α 0.1 and dk = (n-2) 98-2, then t table = 1,290 (interpolation results) then Hi: accepted means that there is a positive influence between integrated marketing communications (IMC) to interest top up OVO user balances.

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