
Organizational culture is viewed positively by members of the organization so it is expected that the attitudes and behaviors that arise will be positive. The achievement of organizational goals is strongly influenced by the organizational culture. If the organizational culture is conducive enough, members of the organization will have a commitment to the organization. The commitment of employees to the organization will be reflected in their satisfaction with work. One of the things that can motivate employees to work is to meet their expectations / needs in organization, if their needs are met, then they will try to keep working well in the organization. This is what then gives birth to employee commitment to the organization, so that they use all their abilities properly for the development of the progress of their organization and in the end the organizational goals will be realized. Based on the description above, there is an interest in conducting research with the title: "The influence of organizational culture on employee commitment at PT. Pemantang Abaditama”. 
 The purpose of this study are as follows: to determine the significant influence of organizational culture on employee commitment of PT. Pemantang Abaditama. The population in this study were employees at PT. Pemantang Abaditama. The statistical method used is linear regression analysis. 
 Based on the results of this study, the value of F count on the organizational culture variable was 4.182 with a significant level of 0.046. Because the significant level in this variable is less than 5% (sig <5%), then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This means that the variable organizational culture has an effect on Organizational Commitment. The conclusion in this study is that organizational culture factors have a significant effect on organizational commitment, this is because employees of PT. Pemantang Abaditama can form a conducive culture in the form of creating a conducive work atmosphere and this will later be able to influence employee commitment so that it will improve employee performance.

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