
This study examines two problems, (1) how much is the improvement in writing skills using the soft skill approach assisted by the media of pictures and music rhythms in the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Jambewangi, (2) how the behavior changes in the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Jambewangi following learning to write with the soft skill approach. with the help of media images and music rhythms. The aims of this study are (1) to describe the results of writing poetry for fifth grade students of SD Negeri Jambewangi through a soft skill approach assisted by images and music rhythms, (2) to describe changes in the behavior of fifth grade students at SD Negeri Jambewangi in writing poetry after the application of the media-assisted soft skills approach. pictures and music. Based on data analysis, research, that through the application of a soft skill approach assisted by media images and music rhythms, the ability to write poetry for fifth grade students of SD Negeri Jambewangi generally shows an increase, and has achieved the planned target. The average target value is 70.00. Based on data analysis, the average value of the poetry writing ability class in the first cycle was 63.91, in the second cycle it was 73.30, and in the third cycle the class average value increased to 79.84. There was an increase of 15.93 or 23.92%. The results of the non-test data analysis after applying the soft skills approach assisted by the media of pictures and music rhythms showed a change in student behavior towards a positive direction, students became interested in writing poetry, writing poetry was done easily, and by applying the soft skills approach assisted by image media and music rhythm students felt happy, enthusiastic and interested in participating in learning.

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