
Abstract- Vita Viya lumberyard is one of the lumberyard is located on Semangka Street, Bengkulu city. During this time the processing sales data of goods in lumberyard is still done conventionally, namely using sales notes that occur every day. Then, the note data will be made into bookkeeping to find out how many sales of goods occur every month. Management of inventory also only sees the remaining items available in the lumberyard without looking at the sales of the item. The problem that often occurs in Vita Viya lumberyard is the management of inventory, where the building materials have a usage period so that they are not suitable for sale. The application in predicting sales data of goods in Vita Viya lumberyard was made by using the Visual Basic.Net programming language by applying the linear regression method. With the construction of the application can be used as an alternative in predicting the sales data of goods in the following month based on sales data that occurred in the last 2 years starting from January 2017 to December 2018. The 2-year data will be used as a data trend to determine the predicted value of goods sold at 1 year in the future. Based on the testing that has been done, it can be concluded that the application is able to predict the sale of goods for the next 1 year based on sales data that has been inputted previously. Based on the testing of error values using the MAPE and MSE methods, it was found that the error value of the predicted value obtained from the linear regression method used the MAPE method of 0.1244575. While, the result by using the MSE method of 14.25. Keywords: Linear Regression Method, Prediction of Vita Viya lumberyard.


  • Selama ini proses pengolahan data penjualan barang di Toko tersebut masih dilakukan secara konvensional yaitu menggunakan nota penjualan yang terjadi setiap harinya

  • Vita Viya lumberyard is one of the lumberyard is located on Semangka Street, Bengkulu city

  • The problem that often occurs in Vita Viya lumberyard is the management of inventory, where the building materials have a usage period so that they are not suitable for sale

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Perkembangan dunia usaha di Indonesia mengalami persaingan cukup ketat di segala bidang, baik dalam bidang penjualan maupun jasa. Untuk mengontrol pengelolaan persediaan barang di Toko Bangunan Vita Viya dibutuhkan suatu aplikasi yang dapat memprediksi penjualan dari barang-barang yang tersedia di Toko tersebut. Hal ini diperlukan agar dapat menjadi bayangan bagi pemilik Toko Bangunan Vita Viya berapa banyak persediaan yang harus disediakan untuk bulan berikutnya dengan melihat hasil prediksi penjualan tersebut. 3. Metode Pengumpulan Data Adapun metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, antara lain : a) Metode Observasi Observasi yang dilakukan yaitu penulis datang langsung ke tempat penelitian untuk mendapatkan data berupa data jumlah penjualan barang b) Metode Wawancara Pada tahap ini penulis melakukan wawancara dengan memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terkait dengan masalah yang akan dibahas kepada Bapak Idris selaku Pemilik Toko Bangunan Vita Viya. Aplikasi dalam memprediksi data penjualan barang di Toko Bangunan Vita Viya dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic .Net dengan menerapkan metode regresi linear.

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