
Oil palm plants are plantation crops that are cultivated and require intensive care, oil palm seeds are a major factor in the success of oil palm plantation cultivation. Quality palm oil seedlings will provide satisfactory yields, oil palm seedlings should be obtained with superior seed selection and good maintenance, in nurseries carried out by following the existing stages, oil palm plantations are long-term business and maintenance of oil palm seeds must be be considered and managed with incentives to ensure optimal production and business results in the future. This study aims to determine quality oil palm seeds in PTPN IV Bah Jambi Plantation. In the nursery is carried out by following the existing stage, this research uses Decision Support System (SPK) Profile Matching method. This method can be used to solve semi-structured problems by calculating consistency using the Profile Matching method, if consistent values are generated consistently can be used as a reference for ranking quality oil palm seeds in PTPN IV Bahjambi Plantation. For the results of the research it can be produced that it is easier to recommend oil palm seedlings and be an input to the plantation in recommending the best oil palm seeds.Keywords: Palm oil seeds, Decision Support System, Profile Matching


  • Tanaman kelapa sawit merupakan tanaman perkebunan yang dibudidayakan dan membutuhkan perawatan yang intensif, bibit kelapa sawit merupakan factor utama dalam keberhasilan budidaya perkebunanan kelapa sawit

  • If consistent values are generated consistently can be used as a reference for ranking quality oil palm seeds in PTPN IV Bahjambi Plantation

  • Sistem yang dibangun hanyalah sebagai alat bantu untuk memberikan informasi kepada pimpinan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam mengambil keputusan

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Sistem Pendukung Keputusan

Sistem pendukung keputusan merupakan sistem informasi interaktif yang menyediakan informasi, pemodelan, dan pemanipulasian data yang dibangun untuk mendukung solusi atas suatu masalah untuk mengevaluasi peluang. Sistem pendukung keputusan digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang tidak terstruktur dan dirancang untuk mendukung seluruh tahap pengambilan keputusan [1][2]

Metode Profile Matching
Perhitungan Rangking
Teknik Pengumpulan Data
Proses Perhitungan Dengan Profile Matching
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