
Indonesia targets to produce around 60 million tons per year of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) by 2045. Without a new palm oil production approach, the demand for this commodity could hurt the environment. The program to intensify the production of oil palm plantations by private companies, state companies, and community planter has the potential as an intermediate solution between the importance of increasing production and preserving the environment. Intensification is carried out without opening more land for cultivation. The main step of the intensification program is the rejuvenation of oil palm plants using superior seeds. Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 8211: 2015 oil palm seeds, can be used as an important reference in implementing the program intensification of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. In addition, this national standard supports the government’s policy in Presidential Regulation 44 of 2020 concerning the Indonesian Sustainable Oil Palm Plantation Certification System (ISPO), where all oil palm plantation activities must be certified. This SNI 8211:2015 stipulates the quality requirements of oil palm seeds including quality requirements for seed production, quality requirements for sprouts, technical requirements for packaging, requirements for growing oil palm seeds, and after-sales service. These requirements need to be applied to ensure quality seeds in oil palm intensification. Intensification of national palm oil using SNI can increase palm oil production beyond the achievement in 2030 according to the SDGs provisions. If intensification is carried out using SNI 8211; 2015 in.line with PP No. 44 of 2020, then the estimated production of Indonesian palm oil in 2025 is 89,976 million tons. Several things need to be considered in the intensification program. The location selection of the intensification program is important to increase the effectiveness of available resources by considering several aspects, including plantation area, productivity, land suitability, conservation, land legality, and potential market access.

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