
This research was undertaken in response to a concern of a legal problem in relations to corruption elimination in Indonesia. The problem highlighted in this research focuses on different perspectives on legal considerations taken by judges and government officers who have authorities to conduct administrative law enforcement in corruption cases and it also focuses on the existed problems in the implementation of cumulative external punishment. This research uses normative research method to analyze the consideration of the judges of Sleman State Court and Regional Officers who have authorities to implement administrative punishment in eliminating corruption case by using cumulative external punishment. It is found as the result of this research that the judge’s considerations observed few matters: the existence of legal violation act which is beyond authority, the intention to enrich particular persons, and the appearance of the State’s loss. Meanwhile, the considerations of the authorized government officers concluded that the administrative penalty should be applied to a person who was found guilty in doing corruption. This article stresses that the implementation of external cumulative punishment contradicts the principle of ultimum remidium as the administrative punishment is applied after the convicted is charged with criminal punishment.


  • The problem highlighted in this research focuses on different perspectives on legal considerations taken by judges and government officers who have authorities to conduct administrative law enforcement in corruption cases and it focuses on the existed problems in the implementation of cumulative external punishment

  • This research uses normative research method to analyze the consideration of the judges of Sleman State Court and Regional Officers who have authorities to implement administrative punishment in eliminating corruption case by using cumulative external punishment

  • It is found as the result of this research that the judge’s considerations observed few matters: the existence of legal violation act which is beyond authority, the intention to enrich particular persons, and the appearance of the State’s loss

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Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai bagaimana pertimbangan hukum dari hakim dan pejabat pemerintahan yang berwenang melakukan penegakan hukum administrasi dalam menyelesaikan kasus korupsi dan masalah yang dihadapi dalam penerapan kumulasi sanksi eksternal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif untuk menganalisis pertimbangan hakim Pengadilan Negeri Sleman dan pejabat daerah yang berwenang menerapkan sanksi administrasi dalam memutus perkara tindak pidana korupsi dengan ancaman sanksi kumulatif eksternal. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan berbagai hal yang dipertimbangkan oleh hakim mengenai adanya perbuatan melanggar hukum yang melampaui kewenangan, memperkaya diri sendiri atau orang lain dan juga menimbulkan kerugian negara. Pejabat pemerintah yang berwenang mempertimbangkan karena yang bersangkutan telah terbukti secara sah melakukan korupsi. Penerapan sanksi kumulatif eksternal berlawanan dengan asas ultimum remedium, karena pengenaan sanksi administrasi bagi terpidana dikenakan setelah yang bersangkutan dikenakan sanksi pidana.

Ketua DPRD dia tidak pernah melaporkan ke Komisi Pemberantasan
Sleman sekaligus anggota DPRD
Subiyantoro diterapkan ketentuan
Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana
UU Pemerintahan Daerah dan UU
Sanksi Administratif Kepada Pejabat
Korupsi pada Lembaga
Ordinary Crime dan Tugas
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