Linguistically, colors are categorized into two parts, namely basic colors and non-basic colors. Each language has a different naming form and number of base colors. This research is descriptive qualitative which aims to determine the basic and non-basic colors in the Sumenep dialect of Madura. The data in this study is the color vocabulary of the Madurese language obtained from 18 informants with the help of research instruments in the form of 139 color cards on the standard color names on the web. The data found were analyzed using Berlin and Kay's (1969) universal color theory and combined with an ethnolinguistic approach to find cultural identity through the language used. As a result, the Madurese language has 6 basic color names, namely potѐ 'white', celleng 'black', mѐra 'red', bhiru 'green', konѐng 'yellow, and coklat 'chocolate', as well as 3 color names belonging to non-basic colors. , namely bhiru 'blue', bungo 'purple', and bubu 'grey'. The implicational hierarchy of basic colors in the Madurese language is different from the implicational hierarchy of the universal basic colors of Berlin and Kay which is the result of a study of 98 world languages. This proves that every language in the world has different color boundaries and different rules for classifying basic colors
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