
Green tea dreg has the potential to be used as an additive to poultry feed because it still contains complete and useful nutrients. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of adding fermented green tea dregs into the ration on the blood lipid profile of Cihateup ducks. The research was carried out experimentally to evaluate the blood lipid profile levels of Cihateup ducks consisting of total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and HDL. A total of 60 Day-old Cihateup ducks was randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups and 5 replications per treatment. The four treatments were differentiated according to the differences in the percentage of fermented green tea dregs used, namely 0%, 1%, 2%, and 3%, respectively. The significant effects of the treatments study was further tested using the DMRT method. The results showed that the addition of fermented green tea dregs in the diets had a significant effect (P<0.05) on total cholesterol and LDL levels. However, the parameters of triglycerides and HDL were not significantly affected (P>0.05). The addition of 3% fermented green tea dregs in the ration resulted in the lowest blood cholesterol and LDL of the Cihateup ducks.


  • Ampas teh hijau berpotensi dijadikan sebagai imbuhan pakan unggas karena masih mengandung nutrien yang cukup lengkap dan bermanfaat

  • The results showed that the addition of fermented green tea dregs in the diets had a significant effect (P

  • Pengaruh tepung daun sirsak (Announa muricata L) terhadap karakteristik lemak darah dan daging itik tegal jantan

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Rancangan dan prosedur penelitian

Ampas teh hijau yang didapatkan dari pabrik pengolah teh di Tasikmalaya selanjutnya difermentasi menggunakan EM4 pada suhu ruang selama 7 hari dan dilakukan secara anaerob. Produk ampas teh hijau hasil fermentasi tersebut selanjutnya diformulasikan ke dalam 4 kelompok perlakuan pakan itik Cihateup berdasarkan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola searah. Keempat kelompok perlakuan pakan tersebut diulang sebanyak 5 kali dan dirancang menggunakan level penambahan ampas teh hijau yang berbeda yaitu 0% ATHF (K1), 1% ATHF (K2), 2% ATHF (K3) dan 3% ATHF (K4). Pemeliharaan itik Cihateup dilakukan selama 8 minggu (56 hari) dan pada umur panen tersebut selanjutnya diuji kadar profil lipid darahnya

Parameter yang diukur
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