
The consumption of children's snack foods is expected to be able to contribute energy and other nutrients that are useful for children's growth. Snacks for schoolchildren with poorly guaranteed food safety have the potential to cause poisoning and indigestion. The design used is descriptive obtained from data on the results of testing food additives in an effort to improve food safety supervision, interviews using questionnaires with food vendors. The results obtained that the knowledge of school food vendors has excellent knowledge as many as 5 people and 1 person with sufficient knowledge of food additives. Sanitary hygiene for the manufacture of tofu contents is good enough but when waiting for the frying process the ingredients are not closed. No addition of borax or dyes was found that was prohibited in snack foods at SDN Tenggilis Mejoyo 1 Surabaya City. Education about healthy snack food needs to be carried out frequently by the school in collaboration with the health office. Food and hazardous materials security monitoring activities must be carried out periodically to reduce the amount of misuse of harmful food additives

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