
The aim of this study include: a) describe the character of learning Indonesian, active,and fun in SD Muhammadiyah Surakarta 1, b) describe a method of learning Indonesiancharacter, active, and fun in SD Muhammadiyah Surakarta 10, and c) describeobstacles encountered in the implementation of learning Indonesian character, active,and fun in SD Muhammadiyah Surakarta 10. This research is a qualitative descriptivestudy. The strategy used is a single case study. The main data source of this research:teacher and fourth grade students in 10 elementary Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Severaldata collection techniques: direct observation plays a passive, in-depth interviews,open and informal nature, giving questionnaires (open questionnaire). Implementationof learning character, active, and fun on Indonesian subjects in fourth grade SurakartaMuhammadiyah 10 can be observed from the three activities, namely: planning learning,learning implementation, and evaluation of learning. Learning plan has been availablesyllabi and lesson plans, instructional implementation has accordance RPP but lessvariable in the application of the method, and the evaluation of teacher learning hasdeveloped rubrics and assessment in the lesson plan format. Constraints faced to implementthe learning of character, active, and fun on Indonesian subjects in fourth gradeSurakarta Muhammadiyah 10, among others: the constraints of the school, teachers,and students.


  • Tuntutan dalam dunia pendidikan telah banyak berubah, paradigma lama tentang pendidikan yang lebih mengarah pada pemahaman bahwa siswa hanya sekadar botol kosong yang siap diisi sudah tidak relevan

  • The aim of this study include: a) describe the character of learning Indonesian, active, and fun in SD Muhammadiyah Surakarta 1, b) describe a method of learning Indonesian character, active, and fun in SD Muhammadiyah Surakarta 10, and c) describe obstacles encountered in the implementation of learning Indonesian character, active, and fun in SD Muhammadiyah Surakarta 10

  • Implementation of learning character, active, and fun on Indonesian subjects in fourth grade Surakarta Muhammadiyah 10 can be observed from the three activities, namely: planning learning, learning implementation, and evaluation of learning

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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas IV semester 1 SD Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan dalam pelaksanaannya penelitian ini perlu adanya kerja sama dengan guru kelas untuk memperoleh hasil yang optimal melalui prosedur yang paling efektif. Adapun strategi yang digunakan adalah studi kasus tunggal. Mengingat permasalahan dan fokus kemitraan sudah ditentukan dalam proposal sebelum pelaku terjun dan menggali permasalahan di lapangan, maka jenis kemitraan kasus ini secara lebih khusus disebut studi kasus terpancang. Sumber data utama penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas IV di SD Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta. Beberapa teknik pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan dalam kemitraan ini dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: Observasi langsung berperan pasif, wawancara mendalam, sifatnya terbuka dan tidak formal, memberikan kuisioner (angket terbuka)

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