
The objectives of this research are to describe : (1) lesson plans, (2) learning implementation, (3) constraints encountered, (4) solutions to deal with the constraints in the poetry appreciation learning on the topic of poems reading of the five year students of the State Elementary School, Gentan 2, Bendosari Sub-District, Sukoharjo Regency in the academic years 2015/2016 within the school based curriculum perspective. This research used the descriptive qualitative method. Its subjects were the five year students of the State elementary School, Gentan 2, Bendosari Sub-District, Sukoharjo Regency, in the academic year 2015/2016. The data of this research were words, phrases sentences, behaviors, activities during the learning process. The data sources of the research were learning activities, document, and resource persons or informants. The data were collected through observation, content analysis, and in-depth interview. They were validated by using the source and method triangulation, and analyzed by using the interactive model of analysis as claimed by Miles & Huberman. The results of the research are as follows. (1) The class teacher of the five year students mastered the existing curriculum and syllabus with the school based curriculum perspective and the lesson plan was equipped with the quantum learning method. (2) The learning was implemented in accordance with the arranged lesson plan, which had been prepared according to the concept of the quantum learning method. (3) The constraints encountered during the learning process were those of: (a) teacher, (b) students, (c) learning media, and (d) learning resources. (4) The solutions to deal with the constraints were as follows; (a) to improve the students interest and motivation, the teacher acted firmly by giving punishment to the students who neglected the learning but giving reward to those who responded positively during the learning: (b) to deal with the teacher’s weakness, the teacher’s attention was directed to all class, her position was sedentary, and her voice volume was made louder; (c) to deal with the learning media constraints, the students were allowed to bring their own instrumental music CDs; and (d) to deal with the learning resources, the students were given freedom to make and perform their own poem manuscripts. Keywords : poetry appreciation, quantum learning method, school-based curriculum Alisjahbana, S. Takdir. 1950. Puisi Lama . Jakarta: Pustaka Rakjat. Aminuddin. 1991. Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra . Bandung: Sinar Baru. Andayani. 2004. Pendekatan Abrams dalam Pengajaran Sastra . Materi Kuliah. Burton, S.H. 1977. 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