
<em>Hindu society highly believe in the law of cause and effect that also known as karma phala. Every action will produce an equal result. Every single action of each individual has a power to bring happiness or sadness. The law of karma phala tied all of His Creation without exception, fairly and objectively. Karma come from the thoughts, words and actions. Lontar Tattwa Wit is one of lontar (manuscript) that has the explanation about karma phala tenet in it. This article generally aimed to obtain holistic understanding about karma phala in Lontar Tattwa wit based on philosophical perspective.</em>


  • Hindu society highly believe in the law of cause and effect

  • that also known as karma phala

  • The law of karma phala tied all of His Creation without exception

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Hindu society highly believe in the law of cause and effect that known as karma phala. Lontar Tattwa Wit terdiri dari 30 sloka membahas tentang asal mula penciptaan badan, kelahiran, kematian, Catur Dasa Aksara, ajaran untuk mencapai kalepasan, penjelasan mengenai anggaro bhuana sarira yakni segala ciptaan Tuhan yang ada di dunia ini seperti manusia, binatang, tumbuhan serta bendabenda mati serta ajaran karmaphala. Artikel ini memberikan pembahasan hukum karmaphala dalam lontar Tattwa Wit berdasarkan tinjauan filosofis, khususnya dari tinjauan umum filsafat ilmu dengan tiga cabangnya, yakni ontologi, epistemologi dan aksiologi.

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