
All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.• Type of peer review: Single-Blind.All accepted papers have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the proceedings Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards.All submitted papers were reviewed based on single-blind review. Authors’ identities were known to the reviewers; however, reviewers’ identities were hidden from authors.Two (2) peer reviewers were responsible to review and evaluate one (1) manuscript based on pre-determined criteria and aspects as listed in the evaluation form (as attached). The form needs to be submitted via online platform (zoho.com) using the given submission link.The criteria include as follows.i. Title and Overall content (importance and relevance of the title and overall content to the conference/seminar theme, abstract and keywords contains sufficient overview to represent content of the paper)ii. Organization and Format of the Paper (organization of the paper in terms of sections or subsections and list of figures and tables, the paper in terms of quality of standardized style, page layout, ease of reading and punctuation, paper is free from spelling, grammar and syntax error and enjoyable to read),iii. Contents of the Paper (introduction, literature review, methodology, results and discussions, conclusions and recommendations, references)iv. Nomination for the Best Paper Award. A Likert scale with a quality range from 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent) was used. Also, the reviewers were requested to recommend for ACCEPTANCE or REJECTION for respective paper to be presented at the conference.Only one (1) paper was found not suitable (REJECTED) for presentation at the conference. However, the author(s) has been given a chance to improve the paper based on the comments and suggestions from the reviewers thus was accepted after revision.Author(s) of the accepted papers were required to prepare a camera-ready version for inclusion in the Conference/Seminar Proceedings based on the given guidelines of the conference proceedings. Technicality check was then done by the technical conference committee.• Conference Submission Management System: zoho.com and google formTwo online platforms for papers submission and reviewers’ responses submission were used; (i) zoho.com and (ii) Google Form.Reviewer’s responses were recorded in zoho.com and accepted papers were submitted through Google Form.• Number of submissions received: 40 papers• Number of submissions sent for review: 40 papers• Number of submissions accepted: 40 papers• Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): 100%• Average number of reviews per paper: 2 reviewers• Total number of reviewers involved: 20• Any additional info on review process: None• Contact person for queries: ratnas@upm.edu.my; fauzan.mj@upm.edu.my; hsalih@upm.edu.my; ar_shahrizal@upm.edu.my

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