
The purpose of the work. The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the pedagogical conditions for the formation of foreign language professional communication culture of future engineers. The methodology of the study is to apply the following methods: theoretical; empirical; pedagogical experiment and statistical. The scientific novelty of the research shows that for the first time a model of the formation of the KIPS of future engineers has been developed and shown; according to the theory, the pedagogical conditions for the formation of a culture of foreign-language professional communication of future specialists in the engineering industry have been proved and empirically determined; The criteria and indicators of determination of the levels of formation of the foreign language professional communication of future students of engineering specialties are elucidated. Conclusions. In the course of the research it was established that the successful implementation of the model of formation of foreign language professional communication culture (FLPCC) of future engineers, developed by us, presupposes the following pedagogical conditions: implementation of organizational and managerial support of the process of formation of foreign language professional communication culture (FLPCC); the integration of communicative-context and competence approaches in teaching; professional-ethical and socio-cultural orientation in teaching. Experimental work proved to be effective, the process of formation of foreign language professional communication culture (FLPCC) of students on the basis of the model of formation of foreign language professional communication culture (FLPCC) has given positive results (there is a positive dynamics of increasing the level of success of students of experimental groups).

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