
Еducation is aimed at individualization, improvement of the professional route and the process of professional training of future speech therapists. Of particular importance are issues of professional, personal and moral culture, which embody the positive socio-personal achievements of pedagogical skills, personal values and communicative interaction in the system of special and inclusive education to be followed by both children and their parents.
 The purpose of the work is to determine the criteria, indicators and diagnostic tasks of formation of the professional culture of future speech therapists, to diagnose the state of formation of the professional culture of future speech therapists.
 Diagnostic sections allowed us to determine the criterion-indicator base of formation of the professional culture of future teachers-speech therapists.
 The culture of professional communication reflects the level of proficiency in reference speech in compliance with all established requirements of the Ukrainian language (orthoepic norms, lexical and grammatical design, etc.), intonation and content saturation of expression, degree of erudition and general tolerance, conscious and respectful attitude to the subject process.
 Personal and professional competence reflects the degree of formation of value professional orientations of the individual, dynamic activity, non-standard and flexible thinking, constant enrichment of special knowledge, interests, skills, broadening horizons, creative understanding of non-standard pedagogical problem situations.
 We have developed a set of diagnostic tasks for each of the selected criteria and formed a scale for evaluating their implementation.
 Since professional culture is a complex concept that includes integrated personality traits, we have identified the levels of its formation

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