
The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the fact that modern social and economic environment requires specialists in the area of physical culture and sports to be ready for self-realization of professional potential in terms of market economy, which requires certain knowledge and skills to start and develop their own business. The purpose of the article is to suggest the pedagogical construction of forms and methods of teaching within the disciplines which ensure the formation of entrepreneurial thinking of future bachelors in physical culture and sports. To achieve this goal, abstract-logical and system-structural research methods have been used. The author’s concept of the process of formation of information and communication, economic and managerial components of entrepreneurial culture of future bachelors in physical culture and sports involves the implementation of preparatory, theoretical and practical stages. The formation of entrepreneurial culture at the preparatory stage is associated with the compulsory discipline “Information Technology in Physical Culture and Sports” (second semester). The theoretical stage involves mastering the study material of optional courses “Management in Physical Culture and Sports” (third semester), “Marketing of Physical Culture and Sports” (fourth semester), “Entrepreneurship in Physical Culture and Sports” (fifth semester), “Innovative technologies of sports training and physical culture” (sixth semester). The practical stage includes the preparation and defense of a course work and internships at enterprises that provide physical culture and health services. The disciplines ensuring the formation of entrepreneurship in higher education are defined as “Entrepreneurship in physical culture and sports” and the content module “Startups in the field” of the discipline “Innovative technologies of sports training and physical culture”. The discipline “Entrepreneurship in Physical Culture and Sports” has four credits, each of which corresponds to a certain module. The following forms and methods of organization of educational process have been offered: traditional lectures, lectures-press conferences, lectures-presentations, a round table, business games, method of problem-based learning, work in small groups and a method of individual work. These pedagogical conditions for the development of entrepreneurial thinking contribute to the creation and consolidation of certain patterns of successful business projects in the field, the acquisition of skills of self-analysis of entrepreneurial thinking using appropriate diagnostic techniques, create conditions for creative communication with the audience, collaboration in the creation process, emotional interaction and activate students’ independent cognitive activity, encourage them to perform search and research activities.


  • 25&,',' KWWS RUFLG RUJ IIHIWE#JPDLO FRP ɤɚɧɞɢɞɚɬ ɧɚɭɤ ɡ ɮɿɡɢɱɧɨɝɨ ɜɢɯɨɜɚɧɧɹ ɿ ɫɩɨɪɬɭ Ɂɚɩɨɪɿɡɶɤɢɣ ɧɚɰɿɨɧɚɥɶɧɢɣ ɭɧɿɜɟɪɫɢɬɟɬ ɜɭɥ ɀɭɤɨɜɫɶɤɨɝɨ ɦ Ɂɚɩɨɪɿɠɠɹ ɉȿȾȺȽɈȽȱɑɇȱ ɍɆɈȼɂ ɎɈɊɆɍȼȺɇɇə ɉȱȾɉɊɂȯɆɇɂɐɖɄɈȽɈ ɆɂɋɅȿɇɇə ɁȾɈȻɍȼȺɑȱȼ ȼɂɓɈȲ ɈɋȼȱɌɂ ȼɿɞɡɧɚɱɟɧɨ ɳɨ ɚɤɬɭɚɥɶɧɿɫɬɶ ɨɛɪɚɧɨʀ ɬɟɦɢ ɞɨɫɥɿɞɠɟɧɧɹ ɡɭɦɨɜɥɟɧɚ ɬɢɦ ɳɨ ɫɭɱɚɫɧɿ ɫɨɰɿɚɥɶɧɨ ɟɤɨɧɨɦɿɱɧɿ ɪɟɚɥɿʀ ɜɢɦɚɝɚɸɬɶ ɜɿɞ ɮɚɯɿɜɰɿɜ ɝɚɥɭɡɿ ɮɿɡɢɱɧɨʀ ɤɭɥɶɬɭɪɢ ɿ ɫɩɨɪɬɭ ɝɨɬɨɜɧɨɫɬɿ ɞɨ ɫɚɦɨɪɟɚɥɿɡɚɰɿʀ ɩɪɨɮɟɫɿɣɧɨɝɨ ɩɨɬɟɧɰɿɚɥɭ ɜ ɭɦɨɜɚɯ ɪɢɧɤɨɜɨʀ ɟɤɨɧɨɦɿɤɢ ɚ ɰɟ ɩɟɪɟɞɛɚɱɚɽ ɨɬɪɢɦɚɧɧɹ ɩɟɜɧɢɯ ɡɧɚɧɶ ɿ ɜɦɿɧɶ ɿɡ ɇɚɭɤɨɜɿ ɡɚɩɢɫɤɢ ɋɟɪɿɹ ɩɟɞɚɝɨɝɿɤɚ 2

  • Ʉɥɸɱɨɜɿ ɫɥɨɜɚ ɩɿɞɩɪɢɽɦɧɢɰɶɤɟ ɦɢɫɥɟɧɧɹ ɩɿɞɩɪɢɽɦɧɢɰɶɤɚ ɤɭɥɶɬɭɪɚ ɮɨɪɦɢ ɿ ɦɟɬɨɞɢ ɧɚɜɱɚɧɧɹ ɜɢɛɿɪɤɨɜɚ ɧɚɜɱɚɥɶɧɚ ɞɢɫɰɢɩɥɿɧɚ ɩɿɞɩɪɢɽɦɧɢɰɬɜɨ ɭ ɮɿɡɢɱɧɿɣ ɤɭɥɶɬɭɪɿ ɿ ɫɩɨɪɬɿ

  • Ɉɛʉɪɭɧɬɨɜɚɧɨ ɞɨɰɿɥɶɧɿɫɬɶ ɡɚɫɬɨɫɭɜɚɧɧɹ ɿɧɧɨɜɚɰɿɣɧɢɯ ɬɟɯɧɨɥɨɝɿɣ ɭ ɩɪɚɤɬɢɤɭɦɿ ɪɨɛɨɬɢ ɡ ɦɚɣɛɭɬɧɿɦɢ ɮɚɯɿɜɰɹɦɢ ɯɨɪɟɨɝɪɚɮɿʀ ɭ ɡɚɤɥɚɞɚɯ ɜɢɳɨʀ ɨɫɜɿɬɢ ȼɫɬɚɧɨɜɥɟɧɨ ɰɿɧɧɿɫɬɶ ɿɧɧɨɜɚɰɿɣɧɢɯ ɬɟɯɧɨɥɨɝɿɣ ɳɨ ɩɨɥɹɝɚɽ ɜ ɡɚɛɟɡɩɟɱɟɧɧɿ ɪɨɡɤɪɢɬɬɹ ɬɜɨɪɱɨɝɨ ɩɨɬɟɧɰɿɚɥɭ ɦɚɣɛɭɬɧɿɯ ɮɚɯɿɜɰɿɜ ɯɨɪɟɨɝɪɚɮɿʀ ɮɨɪɦɭɜɚɧɧɿ ɫɬɿɣɤɨʀ ɦɨɬɢɜɚɰɿʀ ɞɨ ɡɚɧɹɬɶ ɡɚɛɟɡɩɟɱɟɧɧɿ ɜɢɫɨɤɨɝɨ ɬɜɨɪɱɨɝɨ ɪɟɡɭɥɶɬɚɬɭ ɜ ɨɫɜɿɬɧɶɨɦɭ ɩɪɨɰɟɫɿ ɇɚ ɨɫɧɨɜɿ ɡɚɝɚɥɶɧɨɧɚɭɤɨɜɢɯ ɚɧɚɥɿɡ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɚɬɢɡɚɰɿɹ ɭɡɚɝɚɥɶɧɟɧɧɹ ɬɚ ɤɨɧɤɪɟɬɧɨɧɚɭɤɨɜɢɯ ɩɨɪɿɜɧɹɥɶɧɨ ɡɿɫɬɚɜɧɢɣ ɚɧɚɥɿɡ ɦɟɬɨɞɿɜ ɧɚɭɤɨɜɨɝɨ ɞɨɫɥɿɞɠɟɧɧɹ ɡ¶ɹɫɨɜɚɧɨ ɳɨ ɿɧɧɨɜɚɰɿɣɧɿ ɬɟɯɧɨɥɨɝɿʀ ɜɢɪɿɡɧɹɸɬɶɫɹ ɡɚ ɜɢɞɚɦɢ ɞɿɹɥɶɧɨɫɬɿ əɤ ɧɚɫɥɿɞɨɤ ɭ ɩɪɚɤɬɢɤɭɦɿ ɪɨɛɨɬɢ ɡ ɦɚɣɛɭɬɧɿɦɢ ɮɚɯɿɜɰɹɦɢ ɯɨɪɟɨɝɪɚɮɿʀ ɡɚɫɬɨɫɨɜɭɸɬɶ ɩɟɞɚɝɨɝɿɱɧɿ ɨɪɝɚɧɿɡɚɰɿɣɧɿ ɬɚ ɭɩɪɚɜɥɿɧɫɶɤɿ ɿɧɧɨɜɚɰɿʀ Ɂɚɡɧɚɱɟɧɨ ɳɨ ɬɜɨɪɱɢɣ ɩɨɲɭɤ ɨɪɢɝɿɧɚɥɶɧɢɯ ɧɟɫɬɚɧɞɚɪɬɧɢɯ ɪɿɲɟɧɶ ɭ ɩɿɞɝɨɬɨɜɰɿ ɦɚɣɛɭɬɧɿɯ ɮɚɯɿɜɰɿɜ ɯɨɪɟɨɝɪɚɮɿʀ ɡɚɛɟɡɩɟɱɭɸɬɶ ɩɟɞɚɝɨɝɿɱɧɿ ɿɧɧɨɜɚɰɿʀ ɹɤɿ ɧɚɰɿɥɟɧɿ ɧɚ ɦɨɞɟɪɧɿɡɚɰɿɸ ɡɦɿɫɬɭ ɧɚɜɱɚɧɧɹ Ɉɪɝɚɧɿɡɚɰɿɣɧɿ ɿɧɧɨɜɚɰɿʀ ɡɚɛɟɡɩɟɱɭɸɬɶ ɇɚɭɤɨɜɿ ɡɚɩɢɫɤɢ ɋɟɪɿɹ ɩɟɞɚɝɨɝɿɤɚ 2

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Ɋɚɡɨɦ ɡɚ ɡɦɿɫɬɨɜɢɦ ɦɨɞɭɥɟɦ ɍɫɶɨɝɨ ɝɨɞɢɧ
Ɍɟɦɚ ɉɪɚɜɨɜɿ ɡɚɫɚɞɢ ɩɿɞɩɪɢɽɦɧɢɰɬɜɚ ɋɤɥɚɞɚɧɧɹ ɤɚɬɚɥɨɝɭ Ƚɥɨɫɚɪɿɣ ɞɨɤɭɦɟɧɬɿɜ
Ɍɟɦɚ ɉɿɞɩɪɢɽɦɧɢɰɶɤɚ ɟɬɢɤɚ ɉɿɞɝɨɬɨɜɤɚ ɞɨ ɩɿɞɫɭɦɤɨɜɨɝɨ ɬɟɫɬɭɜɚɧɧɹ ɡ ɞɢɫɰɢɩɥɿɧɢ
Ɂɦɿɫɬɨɜɢɣ ɦɨɞɭɥɶ ɋɬɚɪɬɚɩɢ ɭ ɝɚɥɭɡɿ
Ɍɟɦɚ Ɋɨɡɪɨɛɥɟɧɧɹ ɜɥɚɫɧɨɝɨ ɫɬɚɪɬɚɩɭ ɉɨɲɭɤ ɿɞɟʀ ɫɬɪɚɬɚɩɭ ʀʀ ɨɩɢɫɚɧɧɹ ɬɚ Ɉɩɢɫɚɧɧɹ
Ʌɭɝɚɧɫɶɤ ɫ
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