
The article presents a study of determining the degree of manifestation of inversion of sexual dimorphism using the study of psychological types (behavioral indicators of masculinity/femininity) according to the method of Sandra Bem (S. Bem) in acrobats of various roles and genders and non- athletes. Athletes specializing in pair and group sports acrobatics and persons of the same age who do not play sports took part in the research. Acrobatic girls were divided into 2 groups: 1) roles at the top (n=32), puberty age (13.96±1.02), 2) roles in the middle and at the bottom (n=42), youth age (19.36±2.86). Young acrobats: 1) roles above (n=32), average age 14.88±2.32; 2) roles in the middle and below (n=48), average age 20.38±2.89. Sports qualification of athletes: beginners, sub-elite and elite athletes. All subjects were offered the method of determining a person's gender identification (psychological sex) according to S. Bem, which is based on determining the degree of masculinity, femininity and androgyny of an individual. It was found that 10% of female respondents, 12-25 years old (the roles above), specializing in pair-group acrobatics, belong to the masculine type of gender identity, and 90% to the andromorphic type. In those who do not do sports: masculinity – 3%, femininity – 10%, androgyny – in 87% of the subjects. 45% of male acrobats showed signs of masculinity, 55% – androgyny. In people who do not do sports: masculinity – 30%, androgyny – 70%. Acrobats aged 16-23 (the roles in the middle and below: masculinity – 20%, androgyny – 80%. Feminine personality type was not found in any of the athletes. In female acrobats of both roles, the test data obtained using the psychological gender method indicate a shift from the feminine type of gender identification to the masculine and androgynous types.

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