The formation of an immune response in patients with systemic connective tissue diseases with chronic activated HSV infection is a complex and multicomponent process, that determines the state of innate and acquired cellular immunity, which is largely predetermined to the nature of the course of this infection and the intensity of its activation. Objective. Detect changes in indicators of the cellular level of immunity in patients with systemic connective tissue diseases with chronic activated HSV ½ infection and evaluate the impact of these disorders on the development of autoimmune pathology. Material and methods. 380 patients with systemic connective tissue diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis) with chronic HSV ½ infection were examined. In 45 of them, based on the results of the polymerase chain reaction, the active phase of chronic HSV ½ infection was verified, while in the other 335, the latent phase. To assess the state of innate cellular immunity was determined phagocytic indices, using the stimulating activity of E.coli cells. The state of acquired cellular immune surveillance was studied on the basis of an analysis of the results of the quantitative composition of the populations and subpopulations of lymphocytes, their functional capacity for the expression of early and late activation markers. Statistical processing of the results of the study was carried out using generally accepted methods of variation statistics. Results. In patients with systemic connective tissue diseases with chronic activated HSV ½ infection have revealed activation of the cellular immune system, especially in the active phase of HSV ½, which confirms the existence of immune-dependent processes with increased autoaggression and attenuated anti-infective immune protection during reactivation. Conclusions. The presence of chronic activated HSV ½ infection in patients with systemic connective tissue diseases causes activation of cellular immunity, which creates the conditions for the development of autoimmune processes.
The formation of an immune response in patients with systemic connective tissue diseases with chronic activated HSV infection is a complex and multicomponent process, that determines the state of innate and acquired cellular immunity, which is largely predetermined to the nature of the course of this infection and the intensity of its activation
The presence of chronic activated HSV 1⁄2 infection in patients with systemic connective tissue diseases causes activation of cellular immunity, which creates the conditions for the development of autoimmune processes
Доцільно продовжувати дослідження природженого та набутого клітинного імунітету у хворих на системні захворювання сполучної тканини з хронічною активованою HSV 1⁄2 інфекцією, що дасть можливість більш детальніше зрозуміти роль імунних порушень у розвитку цієї аутоімунної патології і своєчасно призначати противірусну терапію таким хворим
У зв’язку з цим, нами була проведена оцінка захоплювальної та оксидантної активності фагоцитів, експресії ранніх та пізніх активізаційних маркерів на лімфоцитах та стану лімфоцитарної ланки природженого і набутого імунітету у хворих на системні захворювання сполучної тканини з латентною та активною фазою хронічної HSV 1⁄2 інфекції. Тому було проведене вивчення захоплювальної здатності і оксидантної активності нейтрофілів та моноцитів у хворих на системні захворювання сполучної тканини з латентною та активною фазою хронічної HSV 1⁄2 інфекції.
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