
In the article, the author presents methodological approaches to the development of the general education discipline “Russia in the World”. It is indicated that the “Russia in the World” program is a patriotic program that systematizes the entire historical process and implements strategic guidelines for education. As part of the program, patriotic education is effectively carried out at NMPC. The author in the article speaks in some detail about the design and implementation of the academic discipline “Russia in the World”. As a result of the study, a conclusion is formulated that this program is quite effective, since with its help it was possible to establish the main models, problems and ways of patriotic education of students. It is noted that the high effectiveness of patriotic education within the framework of the development of the OD “Russia in the World” is due to such factors as the systematic nature of the program, reliance on the patriotic potential of historical science, inclusion in the professional training system and taking into account the psychological and other characteristics of students. In this regard, the conclusion is formulated that at the present stage of development, quite effective models have been developed for the patriotic education of the younger generation that are applicable in practice.

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