
The article presents the results of a study of the vascular-platelet hemostasis disorders processes in complications of canine acute spontaneous babesiosis, as well as a clinical trial of plasma substitute infusion for the purpose of identified disorders pathogenetic therapy. It was found that acute spontaneous Babesiosis is accompanied by complications in the form of subcompensated shock and a thrombogenic link of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (DIC). This determines the potential risk of complications with a cautious prognosis. The basis for the diagnosis of complications is the establishment of the following changes: a significant deficit in the volume of circulating blood (a decrease in the hematocrit value, the volume of circulating plasma, the volume of circulating red blood cells, the specific volume of circulating blood), as well as significant changes in the functioning of the vascular-platelet link of hemostasis – thrombocytopenia against the background of an increase in the spontaneous aggregation ability of platelets and red blood cells, an increase in the wetting index of the vascular wall, which determines the thrombogenic state, and pronounced thrombocytopenia indicates the consumption of these shaped elements in blood clots. The described changes indicate the development of subcompensated shock and the thrombogenic component of DIC syndrome. Given the prognostic danger of established complications, there is a need for pathogenetic therapy of severe conditions. Infusions of plasma substitute solutions have been proposed to eliminate shock phenomena and the thrombogenic state of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. A clinical trial of intravenous administration of Rheosorbylact solution and a mixture of Rheosorbylact with Dipyridamole was conducted in a comparative aspect. It is shown that a mixture of Rheosorbylact 100 ml and Dipyridamole solution 0.5 % 4 ml in the form of infusions at a dose of 5 ml/kg of animal body weight per day for 3 days can bring hemodynamic parameters and parameters of vascular-platelet hemostasis to physiological ones within 48 hours compared to an infusion of Rheosorbylact solution in its pure form. The synergy of the crystalloid solution of Rheosorbylact and the disaggregating vasodilator Dipyridamole enhances the disaggregating effect of both drugs, and the crystalloid solution itself is able to restore the lost volume of circulating blood.


  • The article presents the results of a study of the vascular-platelet hemostasis disorders processes in complications of canine acute spontaneous babesiosis, as well as a clinical trial of plasma substitute infusion for the purpose of identified disorders pathogenetic therapy

  • It was found that acute spontaneous Babesiosis is accompanied by complications in the form of subcompensated shock and a thrombogenic link of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (DIC)

  • The basis for the diagnosis of complications is the establishment of the following changes: a significant deficit in the volume of circulating blood, as well as significant changes in the functioning of the vascular-platelet link of hemostasis – thrombocytopenia against the background of an increase in the spontaneous aggregation ability of platelets and red blood cells, an increase in the wetting index of the vascular wall, which determines the thrombogenic state, and pronounced thrombocytopenia indicates the consumption of these shaped elements in blood clots

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It was found that acute spontaneous Babesiosis is accompanied by complications in the form of subcompensated shock and a thrombogenic link of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (DIC). У статті наведені результати дослідження процесів порушення судинно-тромбоцитарного гемостазу за ускладнень гострого спонтанного бабезіозу собак, а також клінічного випробовування інфузії плазмозамінників з метою патогенетичної терапії виявлених порушень. Особливо за впливу потужних руйнівних факторів, судинно-тромбоцитарний гемостаз активується потужно, а наслідком такої активації виступає бурхливий розвиток гемостатичної відповіді, що врешті-решт переходить у потужну гемостазіопатію – диссеміноване внутрішньосудинне згортання крові, яка може мати фатальні наслідки для життя тварини (Dubova, 2016; Wiseman et al, 2013; Tyutyumova et al, 2019). Мета роботи – вивчити особливості змін судинно-тромбоцитарної ланки гемостазу за гострого спонтанного бабезіозу собак та розробити схему патогенетичної терапії встановлених патологічних процесів

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