
Introduction: The abortion debate in society revolves around women's reproductive rights and autonomy, while also considering men's perspectives and societal implications. Women argue for the right to make decisions about their bodies, emphasizing the potential consequences of denying this right, such as forced motherhood and restricted personal and professional development. Men, too, play a role in the debate, with some supporting women's rights and emphasizing the importance of joint decision-making in relationships. Development: The historical context of abortion is complex, with different societies and time periods featuring varying views and regulations. From ancient civilizations to modern eras, practices and legal approaches to abortion have evolved. In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church had a significant impact on abortion regulation, while scientific and medical advancements shaped modern debates. Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of pregnancy before fetal viability, with legal definitions varying worldwide. Understanding these distinctions is essential to address abortion comprehensively. In Argentina, the historic reform of 2020 marked a significant change in abortion legislation, permitting termination of pregnancy up to 14 weeks without justification. The feminist movement played a crucial role in advocating for this reform, leading to a more inclusive and equitable approach. Despite this progress, challenges remain, including ensuring nationwide access and promoting comprehensive sexual education. Responsible fatherhood involves recognizing men's rights and responsibilities in pregnancy and abortion. Men have the right to receive information, be present during pregnancy and childbirth, and establish custody and visitation arrangements. Emotional support, financial contributions, and active participation in decision-making are also essential aspects. Legislation regarding men's involvement in abortion decisions varies, but a balanced, informed dialogue is encouraged.Conclusions: Argentina's legalization of abortion represents a significant step forward for women's reproductive rights and autonomy. The Law on the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy recognizes fundamental rights and guarantees and establishes access to safe and legal abortion services. However, challenges persist in ensuring equal access across the country. Responsible fatherhood involves recognizing men's rights and responsibilities in pregnancy and abortion decisions.

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