
<p>本研究主要為運用課堂參與點數系統與台灣以英語為外語學習之學生及口說能力學習成效之相關研究。當學生以英語為外語學習教室,似乎比較偏向較內顯行為的互動方式來進行語言的習得。社會互動理論是在第二語言發展中最顯而易見的教室互動方式(Kramsch, 1986; Rivers, 1987)。 語言習得理論提到,學習者應有自信的使用該語言、有背景知識來糾正與接受自我學習的方式、還有能力適當的使用該語言。了解這口說能力學習方式的重要性,就能使用溝通式教學法來進行語言學習,並提升相關貢獻度。除此之外,以英語為外語的教學者應該定期的刺激與管理學生在課堂上的出席狀況。本量化研究以口說溝通課程為依據,邀請87位學生參與研究。應用課堂參與點數系統在課堂中可以知道這跟學生的英語程度沒有關係,如同用教科書來當評量工具也是一樣的。課堂參與與考試表現顯示正相關於重複的測驗當中。研究結果顯示在其他的語言因素影響下,有些因素沒有被考慮到或是被拿來評分,比如像是沉默寡言的學生。最後,以研究結果建議進行口說教學策略、教學方法、與學習評量來參考改進有效之口說學習效益,並以參與課程來當以英語為外語學習口說學習的評分依據。</p> <p> </p><p>This study investigated a participation-point system that was found to be associated with increased rates of oral participation among Taiwanese EFL majors. Quantitative data from a sample of 87 students from five English conversation classes showed that the participation rates under this system were generally unrelated to English proficiency, as measured on the textbook publisher’s exams. However, there was a reliable tendency for participation scores to increase with exam scores that were below the class average. Class participation and exam performance each were shown to be strongly intra-correlated in a repeated sample. The results underscore the influence of extra-linguistic factors on speaking reticence and provide quantitative support for the efficacy of participation-based grading in moderately-sized EFL conversation classrooms.</p> <p> </p>

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