
The participation of species of the family Polytrichaceae in the formation of bryocenoses of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine is analyzed in the article. The part of the syntaxonomic scheme of moss vegetation of Ukraine, in the syntaxons of which the species of the studied family take part, is given. In the bryoflora of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine we (Gapon S., 2011) found 10 species, namely: Atrichum tenellum, A. undulatum, Pogonatum urnigerum, Polytrichum commune, R. formosum, P. juniperinum, P. longisetum, P. perigoniale, R. piliferum, P. strictum.According to the results of our research, it is established that the epigeal bryogroups of the region include 6 species of the family, each of which has a different coenotic role. Epigeous bryogroups with species of the family Polytrichaceae are represented by four classes, five orders, 7 unions, two sub-unions, 11 associations, four sub-associations and 5 rankless groups.In the bryocenoses of the associations Racomitrio-Polytrichetum piliferi ceratodontetosum purpurei, Polytrichetum juniperini and the rankless group Atrichum undulatum – somm. classes Seratodonto purpurei-Polytrichétea piliferi, Cladonio digitatae-Lepidozietea reptantis species Polytrichum piliferum, Polytrichum juniperinum, Atrichum undulatum are edificators and are diagnostic species. In the composition of other syntaxons of epigeal groups of classes Seratodonto purpurei-Polytrichétea piliferi, Cladonio digitatae-Lepidozietea reptantis, Pleurochaeto squarrosae-Abietinelletea abietinae, Hylocomietea splendentis, these and other species: Рolytrichum commune, P. formosum, P. longisetum, P. strictum detected infrequently and sporadically.

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