
Objectives: This study examines the effects of the YouTuber phenomenon on the values of the Jordanian family from the parent's point of view.
 Methods: The study used the descriptive survey method to analyze the data. It employed a questionnaire to collect data. It was distributed electronically to a randomly selected sample of 210 Jordanian parents.
 Results: The findings revealed highly damaging effects of the YouTuber phenomenon on the values of the Jordanian family in the religious, faith, and moral aspects, such as weakening the religious feeling of YouTubers' followers and laziness in performing religious rituals. As for this phenomenon's repercussions on cultural and educational values, its positive and negative effects were equal, at a rate of 67%.
 Conclusions: The study concluded that parents should follow up with their children and direct them towards benefiting from the positive content of YouTubers and alert them of harmful content that contradicts religious and immoral values. It also recommends reinforcing children’s positive values and correcting their misconceptions or negative values.

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