Aim. To determine the level of agronomic value and adaptive ability on yielding capacity and biological-agronomic traits for winter triticale lines and to identify perspective ones.Material and methods. In 2014–2016 40 winter triticale lines of competitive testing were studied under field conditions of the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat (MIP). Yielding capacity data were used to determine potential of plasticity and stability. Lines were estimated on the parameters, such as yielding capacity, disease and lodging resistance and also on statistical values, such as average arithmetic mean, minimum and maximum value, range of variation, coefficient of variation, index of plasticity and homeostaticity.Results. In 2014–2016, in the competitive testing early-ripening, middle-straw winter triticale lines with head length to 14.0–14.6 cm have been distinguished. Triticale-barley hybrids, for example, the new variety MIP Yatahan are of interest. The lines with high adaptive capacity 40/10 25/1905/1/2/1, 1/9 124/1549/1, 14197, 58/7 21/70/2/7/1, 14004 were noted.Conclusions. Among the competitive testing, in 2014-2016 a number of lines being valuable on agronomic and biological traits were identified. The prospective lines 14004, 14011, and14197 in 2016 were transferred to the State strain testing as new varieties called MIP Feniks, MIP Yatahan, and Pamiati Patseky, respectively.
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