
Discriminatory treatments of judges have dominated the reports to the Judicial Commission. Injustice, in fact, is one of the lowest value attitudes of judges according to Judicial Commission assessment results. Indeed, showing justice is not easy for judges but to date in its development appears restorative justice that provides justice for all parties. Its future existence and response are interesting to be criticized. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to examine the paradigm of restorative justice in making legal decisions of judges on legal cases and the construction of the judges’ decisions which are paradigmatic in Restorative Justice. This research uses normative legal research with four types of approaches, which are case approach, legislative approach, conceptual approach, historical approach, and comparative approach. The results of the study show the restorative justice paradigm prioritizing restoration or amelioration will seek to provide justice, certainty and usefulness of the law, as well as realize progressive and responsive laws, and this makes it appropriate to be used as a judge’s paradigm in deciding a case. In constructing restorative justice-based judges’ decisions, judges do only make decisions based on the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), but substantially, through the restorative justice paradigm the judges will consider justice for all parties (victims, perpetrators of crime, and the public). Judges do not make decisions based on retributive or retaliation goals but hold on to the values, concepts, principles, and basics of restorative justice prioritizing restoration or amelioration of the parties, meeting the needs of the parties, and prioritizing expediency.
 Discriminatory treatments of judges have dominated the reports to the Judicial Commission. Injustice, in fact, is one of the lowest value attitudes of judges according to Judicial Commission assessment results. Indeed, showing justice is not easy for judges but to date in its development appears restorative justice that provides justice for all parties. Its future existence and response are interesting to be criticized. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to examine the paradigm of restorative justice in making legal decisions of judges on legal cases and the construction of the judges’ decisions which are paradigmatic in Restorative Justice. This research uses normative legal research with four types of approaches, which are case approach, legislative approach, conceptual approach, historical approach, and comparative approach. The results of the study show the restorative justice paradigm prioritizing restoration or amelioration will seek to provide justice, certainty and usefulness of the law, as well as realize progressive and responsive laws, and this makes it appropriate to be used as a judge’s paradigm in deciding a case. In constructing restorative justice-based judges’ decisions, judges do only make decisions based on the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), but substantially, through the restorative justice paradigm the judges will consider justice for all parties (victims, perpetrators of crime, and the public). Judges do not make decisions based on retributive or retaliation goals but hold on to the values, concepts, principles, and basics of restorative justice prioritizing restoration or amelioration of the parties, meeting the needs of the parties, and prioritizing expediency.


  • Perilaku hakim yang tidak adil telah mendominasi laporan ke Komisi Yudisial

  • This paper aims to figure out judge's restorative justice paradigm in deciding criminal cases and the construction of a judge's decision with such a paradigm

  • Penerapan Keadilan Restoratif Dalam Putusan Hakim: Upaya Penyelesaian Konflik Melalui Sistem Peradilan Pidana

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Keadilan akan menjadi abstrak dan dimaknai beragam tergantung pada paradigma seseorang dalam memandang keadilan itu sendiri. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tugas hakim tidaklah mudah dalam membuat suatu putusan yang dapat memberikan keadilan bagi semua pihak. Keadilan restoratif menjadi konsep yang menarik karena dapat mencakup kebutuhan keadilan semua pihak, tidak hanya bagi pihak pelaku, namun juga bagi pihak korban dan masyarakat. Pada sisi lain Rena Yulia mengemukakan bahwa putusan hakim (sebagai jawaban penyelesaian konflik) yang memuat keadilan restoratif diharapkan dapat memberikankeadilan yang membahagiakan bagi para pihakyang berkonflik, yakni pelaku, korban, dan masyarakat.. Restorative justice sebagai paradigma dalam pemidanaan diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif penanganan tindak pidana atau kejahatan yang mengutamakan pemulihan keseimbangan hubungan antara pelaku dan korban.12Sangat diperlukan langkah yang progresif dan responsif untuk merubah paradigma positivimeke arahparadigma keadilan restoratif, sehingga dapat mewujudkan keadilan bagi semua pihak dalam sebuah putusan hakim. Penelitian ini urgen untuk dilakukan seiring dengan perkembangan hukum yang menuntut keadilan dan pemenuhan keadilan bagi masyarakat

Metode Penelitian
Paradigma Keadilan Restoratif Hakim Dalam Memutus Perkara Pidana
Konstruksi Putusan Hakim yang Berparadigma Keadilan Restoratif
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