
Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK) is the oldest breeding and pomological institution of Russia and one of the main suppliers of new apple cultivars in Central Russia. To date, the Institute has created and included in the State Register 56 apple cultivars of different maturation periods for the conditions of the Middle zone of Russia. In addition, our Institute took part in the creation of a number of cultivars for the North Caucasus. We have numerously drawn attention to the value of apple varieties of folk selection in creating adaptive, competitive cultivars. In this paper we tried to show the role of the tetraploid form of Papirovka of folk selection in the creation of new summer triploid cultivars with more regular fruiting and more marketable fruits. 20 cultivars have been created with the participation of the varieties of folk selection, including six cultivars with the participation of Antonovka Krasnobochka: Zarianka, Orlovsky Pioner, Pamyat Isaeva, Patriot, Svezhest and Slavyanin; five cultivars with the participation of tetraploid Papirovka: Avgusta, Dariona, Maslovskoye, Osipovskoye and Yablochny Spas; five cultivars with the participation of folk variety Antonovka Obyknovennaya widely distributed in the central part of Russia: Zdorovie, Imrus, Morozovskoye, Orlovim and Pamyat Voinu; three cultivars with the participation of Skryzhapel: Bolotovskoye, Vavilovskoye and Nizkorosloye; Ranneye Aloye with the participation of Papirovka (diploid). Of particular interest, in our opinion, are the summer triploid cultivars obtained with the participation of the variety of folk selection Papirovka tetraploid.

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