
Apple cultivars of the new generation are characterized by valuable qualities that the former cultivars did not have. So, columnar cultivars are characterized by exceptional precocity, which makes it possible to obtain an economic harvest in the 3rd year after planting with one-year-old seedlings. They can also increase fruit production several times per unit area. For the first time in Russia and in the world, a series of triploid cultivars has been created on the basis of intervalent crossings 2x x 4x, which are characterized by greater regularity of fruiting over the years, high marketability of fruits and increased self-fertility. Scab immune apple cultivars create a more favorable ecological environment in the garden, making the fruits cleaner in sanitary terms. Triploid and columnar cultivars having immunity to scab are more valuable for production. Some cultivars of the new generation described in this paper have these valuable qualities. Columnar scab immune cultivars Girlianda and Zvezda Efira have high precocity, productivity and high fruit qualities. A triploid scab immune cultivar Mars is characterized by regular and abundant fruiting, its fruit are of high commercial and taste qualities that can be stored until mid-March. A triploid cultivar Ministr Kisilev has a regular high yield and marketability of fruits (170 g) with high sugar content in the fruit. A triploid scab immune cultivar Trener Petrov is characterized by regular fruiting, marketability, attractive appearance and good taste of fruit. The introduction of five apple cultivars of the new generation into production will enrich the existing apple assortment in central Russia.

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