Since several decades, the oil palm has been able to transform tropical landscapes and livelihoods. The oil palm is an outstanding oil crop producing very high oil yields and showing an amazing agronomic plasticity: these are valuable assets in a context of food safety and ecological intensification. The palm oil production now constitutes a global commodity chain which is at the focus point of North/South challenges such as certification, traceability or environmental and sanitary impacts. Palm oil is playing an increasing part in the production of edible oils; such an expansion must now comply with sustainability criteria backed by robust and shared scientific results. The sustainable development of oil palm cultivation thus generates many questions to research, not only in the traditional domains of plant science, but also in the fields of socio-economy and social and human sciences.
Le palmier a huile, Elaeis guinneensis Jacq., est une plante monocotyledone perenne ; ce n’est donc pas un arbre, mais une herbe geante
On note depuis 2008 une evolution parallele du cours des huiles vegetales candidates potentielles au biodiesel et de celui du petrole brut (Jacquemard, 2012)
Sites web utiles : – RSPO – Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil: www.rspo.org/ – Round Table on Responsible Soy Association: www.responsiblesoy.org/ – FSC Forest Stewardship Council: www.fsc.org/ – Dossier Palmier a huile et Developpement Durable: Oleagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides: www.revue-ocl.fr/archives/ sommaire.phtml?cle_parution=3447 – Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems (SAFE) Project: www.safeproject.net/ – Palm Indicators Network – PalmiNet : http://community.plantnet-project.org/pg/groups/2879/palminet/ – Greenpalm: http://www.greenpalm.org/ – Sensor: http://www.searrp.org/sensor/ – SPOP : Sustainable Development of Palm Oil Production: Designing strategies from improved knowledge on oil palm cropping systems – http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/programmes-de-recherche/environnement-et-ressources-biologiques/viabilite-et-adaptation-des-ecosystemes-productifs-territoires-et-ressources-aux-changements-globaux/fiche-projet-agrobiosphere/?tx_lwmsuivibilan_pi2%5BCODE%5D=ANR-11-AGRO-0007
La consommation globale en corps gras per capita a plus que double entre 1975 et 2010, passant de 11 kg en 1976 a. 24,7 kg par habitant et par an en 2009. Corley (2009) estime que la production en corps gras devra doubler d’ici 2050 (figure 3), malgre les incertitudes liees a l’evolution de la consommation per capita et sur le ro^le joue par les biocarburants, intimement lie a l’evolution du cours des energies fossiles. Les cours mondiaux sont a la hausse depuis plus d’une decennie (figure 4) expliquant un engouement sans precedent chez les planteurs du Sud et les agro-industriels. On note depuis 2008 une evolution parallele du cours des huiles vegetales candidates potentielles au biodiesel et de celui du petrole brut (Jacquemard, 2012)
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