
Periphyton plays a significant role in heavy metal transfer in wetlands, but its contribution to cadmium (Cd) bioavailability in paddy fields remains largely unexplored. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of periphyton on Cd behavior in paddy fields. Periphyton significantly decreased Cd concentrations in paddy waters. Non-invasive micro-test technology analyses indicated that periphyton can absorb Cd from water with a maximum Cd2+ influx rate of 394 pmol cm−2 s−1 and periphyton intrusion significantly increased soil Cd concentrations. However, soil Cd bioavailability declined significantly due to soil pH increase and soil redox potential (Eh) decrease induced by periphyton. With periphyton, more Cd was adsorbed and immobilized on organic matter, carbonates, and iron and manganese oxides in soil. Consequently, Cd content in rice decreased significantly. These findings give insights into Cd biogeochemistry in paddy fields with periphyton, and may provide a novel strategy for reducing Cd accumulation in rice.

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