Design of piles under lateral loads using numerical analysis is a time-consuming process, requiring competent geotechnical engineers who can accurately model the soil profile and construction sequence. Therefore, most engineers have resorted to the p-y method that is a less time-consuming process in both the modeling and running time. Contrary to the numerical analysis method, the p-y method doesn’t require the burden of constructing a complicated 3D model. This method simply uses the relation between the soil resistance per unit length (p) and the lateral deformation (y) to deduce the straining actions on the pile, bending moment, and shear forces, which govern the structural design. However, the simplicity of this method comes with its shortcomings. The p-y method, for instance, cannot directly take into account the effect of earth slopes on the laterally loaded piles, and its results are somewhat approximate. A well-instrumented case study from the Caltrans site at Oregan State University is analyzed in this research. The studied case consists of a laterally loaded single vertical pile embedded in a cohesive soil layer near an earth slope of 2H:1V. A three dimensional numerical model of the case study is constructed, utilizing the finite element code, Plaxis 3D 2020. The p-y curves of the loaded piles were back-calculated from the numerical model using the elastic beam theory by performing the differentiation of the shear force acting on the pile along the full height of the earth slope. Normalized p-y curves were obtained to determine the p-multiplier, a factor that helps convert the p-y relation of a pile in leveled ground to that of a pile near earth slopes. Overall, it was found that the p-multiplier ranges between (0.4-0.8), (0.6-0.83), (0.8-0.95), and (0.98-1) for piles located at a distance of 0D, 2D, 4D, and 8D respectively from the crest of the earth slope, for various target depths. A parametric study for the effect of the distance of the pile from the crest of the slope, as well as the slope inclination, on the p-y curves was conducted. The curves were constructed for a single pile located at distances of 0D,2D,4D, and 8D from the crest of the earth slope. The performed study revealed that the p-multiplier, at a target depth of 1m, measured from the top of the pile, for the studied slope inclinations, ranges between (0.3-0.45) for the pile at a distance of 0D, (0.76-0.8) at a distance of 2D, (0.82-0.93) at a distance of 4D and (0.98-1) at a distance 8D. Analysis results showed that the effect of slope inclination diminishes when the pile is placed at a distance 8D from the crest or farther. These values can be implemented into p-y curves software, such as LPILE, to determine the straining actions required for design of a laterally loaded pile near sloping ground.
The analysis of laterally loaded piles requires a nonlinear approach to accurately model the soil behaviour
By comparing both the slope (m) and Qult values for the leveled ground case and 8D case, it is observed that the behaviour of the pile placed at a distance 8D from the earth slope approaches that of a pile placed in leveled ground, i.e., the effect of earth slope diminishes at a distance of 8D or farther
Interpretation of Normalized p-y Curves It can be noticed from Fig. 9. , section IV(B), that the value of the p-multiplier, at a specified target depth, increases as the pile is placed farther from the crest of the slope until it tends to 1 when the pile is situated at a distance 8D; i.e., the effect of slope diminishes at a distance of 8D and the lateral behaviour of the pile near the slope is similar to that of a pile placed in leveled ground
The analysis of laterally loaded piles (pile-soil interaction) requires a nonlinear approach to accurately model the soil behaviour. Mezazigh and Levacher [6] conducted 59 centrifuge tests on a single aluminum model pile to study the effect of the proximity of the pile from the earth slope on the pile lateral response, aiming to determine a coefficient that can be applied to p-y curves for leveled ground to validate the existing curves for piles near slope by multiplying the values by a specific factor. Three full-scale tests [9] on steel pipe piles were carried out to study the effect of earth slopes on the lateral response of piles. Georgiadis and Georgiadis [10] carried out a finite element analysis using Plaxis 3-D software to study the behaviour of piles near the crest of an earth slope under undrained loading conditions for cohesive soil
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