
The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of the pedagogical culture of future teachers of professional education in the environment of a higher education institution. The relevance and necessity of developing a pedagogical culture during the training of future specialists in the field of labor protection is substantiated. A model of the formation of the pedagogical culture of future teachers of professional education in institutions of higher education has been developed. The connection of the university environment with the pedagogical process, with the development of information and communication technologies in the post-industrial and post-pandemic society of Ukraine and other countries of the world is illustrated. Emphasis is placed on the pedagogical conditions and qualities that contribute to the development of pedagogical culture in future pre-university and higher school teachers, prompting them to more effective pedagogical work. The result of this model helps to trace and establish modern criteria of pedagogical culture, to make a forecast regarding its formation among future teachers of professional education under these circumstances in the future. Dependencies between pedagogical conditions for the formation of pedagogical culture are derived in the form of a graph. Among the most influential approaches, the following should be noted: competent, cultural, synergistic, systemic, anthropological, personal-activity, genetic, informational, contextual, etc. We consider it expedient to define the following principles: developmental and educational training, positive motivation and a favorable emotional climate; science; interdisciplinarity; integrity; national orientation of education; openness and awareness; danger prevention; environment creation, etc. Content components include (scientific and methodical complexes, methods, forms, technologies). The scientific and methodological complexes include the work program, initial materials, topics of essays and independent works, used sources, control questions on topics, tests for preparation for certification. The following methods have proven themselves: project method, case method, business games; among the forms - projects, trainings, competitions; technologies include design, training, cases, etc. Diagnostics, reflection include methods of student control (self-control, mutual control, control by the teacher; reflective methods, tasks and tests for control and reflection, creative tasks). Key words: pedagogical culture, teacher, professional training, higher school, formation, labor protection, count.

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