
Parasitoids constantly evaluate their environment to optimise oviposition host utilisation based on their life history parameters and host characteristics, including density. Any factors impairing chemosensory perception, learning and memory of oviposition decisions negatively impact fitness. In the Anthropocene, stressors, for example, elevated temperatures, Wolbachia infection (likely modulated by temperature), pesticides, light pollution and water deficits in plants that provide resources for parasitoid hosts, impact parasitoid oviposition. Such physiological stressors often induce superparasitismsince parasitoids are unable to remember prior oviposition on hostsor cause impaired offspring sex ratio. While the effect of these stressors on parasitoid oviposition has been examined individually, their combined effects remain unexplored. Since parasitoids are exposed to these stressors simultaneously, future work must examine their cumulative impact.

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