
Objectives: To determine the existence of a pattern of women most frequently victims of physical violence in Brazil over a period of 10 years. Methods: Data from the DATASUS platform were collected on the records of domestic, sexual and other violence, registered by physical violence against female persons between 2009 and 2018. Data from the Violence and Accident Surveillance System on characteristics of the violent act against women were also collected. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics was also used to collect data from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD). For bibliographic reference, the descriptors “Domestic and Sexual Violence against Women”, “Domestic Violence” and “Domestic Violence” were searched on virtual data basis and Brazilian articles that were published within the period of the present study were included. Results: There is a continuous and rapid increase in the first half of the study period, with a slight deceleration between 2014 and 2016, followed by a new jump in records from 2017. As for race, the largest numbers are white women, 348428, and browns, 308902. Black women represent 68.25% of the total records of domestic, sexual and other violence, with 8.3% of the total records of physical violence. Conclusion: It is possible to estimate that black women are not making complaints or possibly are not being seen with due care to make them. As it is data that depends on denunciation, which is often not carried out, the results need consideration regarding assertiveness and reflection of reality.

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