
Association of unconstrained molecular dynamics (MD) and the formalisms of thermodynamic integration and average force [Darve and Pohorille, J. Chem. Phys. 115, 9169 (2001)] have been employed to determine potentials of mean force. When implemented in a general MD code, the additional computational effort, compared to other standard, unconstrained simulations, is marginal. The force acting along a chosen reaction coordinate xi is estimated from the individual forces exerted on the chemical system and accumulated as the simulation progresses. The estimated free energy derivative computed for small intervals of xi is canceled by an adaptive bias to overcome the barriers of the free energy landscape. Evolution of the system along the reaction coordinate is, thus, limited by its sole self-diffusion properties. The illustrative examples of the reversible unfolding of deca-L-alanine, the association of acetate and guanidinium ions in water, the dimerization of methane in water, and its transfer across the water liquid-vapor interface are examined to probe the efficiency of the method.

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