
The Ottoman Empire, in particular Period European states management systems and practices in addition to the work being brought into the country, those of want of Muslims in the country and as a result of an increase in external pressure in this regard, were made significant arrangements in the state. Arrangements have been made during the provincial management of important innovations. Local councils, public opening for the first time in this period was aimed to have a say in the management of their territory. Arrangements Councils, Great Assembly floor with regulations such as the Small Assembly of the State General Administration and the State Council were trying to establish. Rebellion in the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans and in 1864 in order to prevent the separation movement led by Midhat Pasha Danube Provincial Regulations was held and the provinces have been made a new arrangement. Later this regulation implemented in 1871 by the Provincial in all the countries of Law in 1876 and then took its place in the constitution. The Ottoman Empire, before World War I. in 1913, 1913 Interim Provincial Public Administration Law, the governor of the province, the County Administrative Board and has held the formation of the Provincial Private Administration and tasks in a very detailed manner. This arrangement with the states to have their own government is the local power on the one hand, to participate in parliament, the floor of the transition to constitutional order increasing the governor of the powers that have been sent from the center to the other side when creating a centralized structure by creating provincial offices of the ministry at the center has worked to strengthen. Thus, the governor of the province administration authority width and principles of segregation of duties, to ensure the country's unity council and the task of rearranging the province has tried to be to ensure democratic governance. In this study, 1913 Interim Provincial Public Administration Act of the governor of the province, the Provincial Administrative Council and the General Assembly and the formation of the province have been studied by detailed tasks.

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