
This research aims to identify ortografical errors in directed essay written by the bachelor of Arabic and Communication students (SMBaK), Faculty of Major Language Studies USIM. The samples consist of 33 male and female students. They are requested to write an essay. From the essay, the reasearchers find their errors and analyze the frequencies. Besides that the errors has been listed out as examples in this research. It is hoped that the research also helping them by giving some suggestions to solve the errors problem. It will be a reference to the teachers in essay writing. Besides that, this research uses the error analysis methodology adapted from Aly Ahmed Madkour (2006). At the end of the research, it is concluded that the usage of Hamzah Wasl dan Qath’ is the highest errors in the frequent list. Thus, teachers should play an important role to make sure that the students undertand this grammatical rule. This is important to avoid the errors repeat every time when they write an essay.

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