
Reliability and quality of the organization of work at the transport infrastructure facilities is determined through the analysis of the system of preparation for the implementation of certain technological operations, the establishment and maintenance of a common order, the timing of work, and the supply of all types of resources. During the execution of construction and installation work are conducted periodic inspections of compliance with construction norms and rules. Nonconformities issued in the form of regulations, which indicate the time of elimination of this violation. The calendar plan does not provide for the time spent on eliminating violations. For this reason, the actual period of construction of transport infrastructure are often considerably longer than planned. In this connection, the task was to assess the degree of influence of violations on the efficiency of the functioning and quality of the organization of production processes in transport infrastructure. Analytic studies of this problem concluded that it is necessary to develop a mathematical model for estimating the construction period, taking into account the random nature of the appearance of violations. The study contains a diagram of the technological operations in monolithic construction, the Pareto chart for the number of violations identified by the construction supervision, the main factors affecting the duration of construction.

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