The study was designed to investigate Constructs Independence; Normality; Reliability and Validity of Allen and Meyer’s Questionnaire (1990) three constructs namely Affective, Normative and Continuous Commitment in Tanzanian data. It was purposively planned and conducted in two separate phases (Study 1 and 2). In study 1; Tanzanian data were tested if Allen and Meyer’s Questionnaire (1990) yielded independent constructs. In study 2; tests for validity, reliability and normality levels were primary to the study. All tests came following solid theoretical background pertaining to how Hofstede (2001) cultural dimensions determine response styles, response bias and questionnaire response across cultures. A total of total of 104 and 214 respondents from Tanzanian Councils were involved in study 1 and study 2 respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicated Meyers and Allen three scales were component of common constructs. Specified PCA models on the three scales showed significant results indicated by p< .05; and KMO greater than 0.6. and no loading variable was worse than 0.90. Similarly; Normality Analysis suggested data collected yielded normality; as combined graph produced Skewness (.265); Kurtosis (-1.427) and skewness value range between -.5 and +.5. Also; Cronbach Alpha Analyses indicated; data collected had Cronbach Alpha better than .70 the reliability minimum requirement scores in all three questionnaire constructs. Further; Confirmatory Factors Analysis revealed that Meyers and Allen Questionnaire yielded significant validity using fit indices RMR (Root Mean Square Residual), GFI (Goodness Fit Index), TLI (Tucker-Lewis Index), CFI (Comparative Fit Index) and RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation). Thus, it was concluded that Meyers and Allen Questionnaire is reliable and valid for organizational commitment studies in Tanzanian context. Recommendations for reducing or eliminating questionnaire response bias to have better statistical analyses and estimations were included. Keywords: Organizational Commitment; Cultural Dimension; Response Styles; Councils; Tanzania DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-22-09 Publication date: November 30 th 2020
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