
The features of and managerial activity of pharmacists in modern conditions are considered in the article; necessity of modernization of approaches to professional training of future specialists of specialty is substantiated 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy in educational process of magistracy of medical university; a description of the concepts of management, organizational and managerial competence; features of and managerial competence formation in the process of professional formation of future pharmacists are defined. The analysis of and managerial competence as an extremely required component of the quality of vocational training, which is necessary for the effective solution of qualifying professional tasks of the field of pharmacy, is conducted. The and managerial competence of future pharmacists is interpreted as an integrative characteristic that systematically and competently represents the professional and personal qualities of specialists, including mastering the methodology of effective management in the field; the ability to purposefully regulate social and industrial processes, taking into account their specificity and nature of development; knowledge of systematic principles, readiness for application of innovative methods and new technologies; the ability to select and utilize such impacts on the management entity that will optimally ensure that the goal is met in the context of the internal change processes of the subordinate structure and the influence of the hierarchical levels of the pharmaceutical and competitive industries. The list of features of and managerial competence, related to the basic competencies, is detailed. The tasks of defining their content and the objects of and managerial activity - functional subsystems of the organization, within which the economic processes of planning and forecasting, creation and realization of the product, interaction with clients and partners, personnel management are substantiated.

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