
The changes that took place in the world and in Ukraine led to the global informatization of the educational process in educational institutions. One of today's priorities is the creation of a unified educational environment and platformized learning. The article outlines the features of distance learning organization. Distance learning forms a fundamentally new educational space, which provides for multi-accessibility to information and the ability to communicate using the latest advances in information and telecommunication technologies, to provide opportunities for the development of independent activities of education seekers and equal opportunities in obtaining education. Interest in the effective implementation of distance learning in the system of the New Ukrainian School and the adaptation of schoolchildren to the conditions of a mobile educational environment and dynamic changes in a transformational society is well-founded. Distance learning at the New Ukrainian School is an important criterion for the effective assimilation of educational material by students, it contributes to the formation of key and subject competencies of schoolchildren, which, in particular, include lifelong learning; fluency in the state language, compliance with communicative norms, innovativeness. Organizational, technical, programmatic, methodical measures that contribute to the effective organization of distance learning are outlined. The potential of the Moodle, Google Classroom, Zoom, ClassDojo, Classtime platforms is characterized. Based on the analysis of theoretical and methodological literature and personal experience, recommendations for the organization of distance learning are formulated: clear instructions for students to tasks and free access to educational materials; placing information on one platform; application of the "inverted class" technology; taking into account that online activities require more time than learning in an offline format; planning additional time for lesson preparation in remote mode; modification of work with textbooks in online mode; approval of the rules of online communication, a combination of general and personal praise; providing clear and step-by-step instructions.

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