
In order to improve the healthy environment conditions formation, increase natural resource potential of the regions of Ukraine, fully preserve biotic and landscape diversity, maintain ecological balance of ecosystems, national and regional ecological networks are being developed. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of the regional ecological network have been developed for Poltava region. The article is devoted to the idea of expanding the concept of regional ecological network building in Poltava region at the expense of organic farming lands, the use of which is based on technologies appliance and resources that promote ecological balance in natural systems and sustainable and balanced agroecosystems. They are considered not only as objects of economic activity, but also as centers of biodiversity conservation, including natural ones. Information on the principles of organic farming implementingexperience in the Poltava region in activities of agricultural enterprises «Agrofirma «Mayak» (Poltava district) and «Agroecologiia» (Myrhorod and Poltava districts), which provides for the use of environmentally friendly agronomic and biocenotic agricultural measures in the Poltava region. It is determined that one of the effective ways to preserve lands used for organic farming is their preservation and including them into the regional ecological network as important natural resource components. It is advisable to protect the land of organic farming in the national natural and regional landscape parks by introducing them into economic zones, which provide for their traditional rational use.

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