The physical gate length L G of the Si transistors are shrinking day by day to meet Moore’s law that states the number of transistors per integrated circuit doubles in every 24 months. It is projected that L G may be down to ~20 nm. Therefore, it is urgent need to be “energy efficient” which operates with the lowest switching power. Much effort has been paid to incorporate III-V nanoelectronics on the silicon platform due to highest intrinsic electron mobility. The InSb quantum well field effect transistor (QWFET) is a promising candidate for future high performance and low power logic applications [1,2]. In addition, recent success in depositing high-quality Al2O3 gate dielectrics by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on the InSb quantum wells (QWs) and completely depletion of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) confined in InSb QW opens the prospects to fabricate high-quality InSb QW field effect transistor (FET) [3,4]. An InSb QWFET with a 10 nm thick Al2O3 top gate insulator has been simulated by using quantum corrected Schrödinger-Poisson (QCSP) solution as shown in Fig. 1 (a). Gate voltage (V g) dependent electron density (ns ) and mobility (µ) is shown in Fig. 1 (b). A very high electron mobility 4.42 m2V-1s-1 at V g= 0V is achieved which is at least ~180 times greater than that of Si NMOS. The confined 2DEG in InSb QW is completely depleted with a very small V g= -0.25V (is called as the pinch–off voltage, V p). The slope of the ns-Vg yields a giant gate controllability ratio of dn s/dV g = ~ 5.2 × 1015 m -2 V -1 (estimated in the range of V g=-0.2V to 0V). The room temperature conduction band (CB) and valance band (VB) profile of the proposed structure at V g= 0 and -0.25V are calculated by QCSP as shown in Fig. 2. The QW is lifted above the Fermi level (E F) at V g = -0.25V which is confirmed complete depletion (V p) as shown in Fig. 1. Moreover, the hole accumulation prevents as the VB doesn’t touch the E F. The interface trap density (D it) has been calculated using the equation D it= -(dQ it / (e × d(E F - E V))) where Q it is the net charge (difference between oxide and semiconductor charge) [4]. Energy dependent D it and corresponding applied gate voltage (V g) is shown in Fig. 3. Very low D it is found to be 7.8 × 1014 – 3.7 × 1016 m-2eV- 1 at the interface between Al2O3 and Al0.1In0.9Sb top layer of the InSb QWFET, results a giant dn s/dV g (Fig. 1b). It indicates that the E F is smoothly tuned by the V g due to a very low D it of the InSb QWFET. The capacitance-voltage (C-V) calculation has also been confirmed the low D it and V p of the proposed QWFET. The standard transistor characteristics with I D versus V DS at different V g, transconductance (g m) have also been calculated and explained by the established theory and experimental explanation. [1] T. Ashley et al. Proceedings 7th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuits Technology (SSICT), 2253 (2004). [2] S. Datta, Microelectronic Engineering84, 2133 (2007). [3] M. M. Uddin et al., Appl. Phys. Lett.101, 233503 (2012). [4] M. M. Uddin et al., Appl. Phys. Lett.103, 123502 (2013). Fig. 1: (a) Cross section of InSb optimized QWFET layer structure with LG =100 nm and δ-doping (dashed line). (b) Electron density (n s) and mobility (μ) of the InSb QWFET as a function of gate bias (V g) at 300 K. The dashed line points to the pinch-off voltage V p. Fig. 2: Band profile (CB and VB) of the proposed InSb QWFET at 300 K. The Fermi level is shown at 0eV. Fig. 3: The interface trap density (D it) as a function of E F-E V obtained from the QCSP solution with corresponding applied V g (V). Figure 1
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