
The article presents the results of research into the influence of technological methods of cultivation (fertilization, foliar fertilizing, sideration) on the growth and development of seed potato plants. The longest growing season was noted in the experimental variant, where two foliar top dressings with trace elements Vuksal Macromix were carried out with local application of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N60Р60K60 against a siderate background. At the same time, the duration of the growing season was 80.5 days in the Labella variety, and 91.5 days in the Connect variety, which is 4 days higher than in the control variant, respectively. On the same variant, the highest indicators of linear diameters of plant height were noted - 85.5 and 89 cm, which is higher than on the control variant by 15.0 and 12.0 cm, respectively. With the maximum intensification of the cultivation technology, the highest number of stems per plant was noted in the Labella varieties - 4.4 and Connect - 4.5 pcs., which is higher than in the control variant by 0.7 and 0.6 pcs., respectively. Carrying out two foliar top dressings with trace elements Vuksal Macromix against the background of siderate and local application of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N60Р60К60 ensured the highest number of tubers in Labella varieties - 8.2 pcs. and Connect - 9.1 pcs., this is by 2.7 and 2.6 pcs. more than on the control variant, as well as the mass of the average tuber - 84.0 and 90.0 g or 7.0 and 9.0 g more than on the control variant, respectively.The highest increase in productivity was obtained in the experimental variant, where two foliar top dressings with microelements Vuksal Macromix were carried out with local application of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N60Р60K60 against a sidereal background. At the same time, the yield of the Labella variety is 34.2 and the Connect variety is 40.3 t/ha, which is higher than the control variant by 13.2 and 14.2 t/ha, respectively. As well as the yield of the seed fraction of 28-60 mm in the Labella variety - 19.1 and in the Connect variety - 23.0 t/ha, which is higher than in the control variant by 10.2 and 11.4 t/ha, respectively.

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